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Colorado Divorce Lawyers And Family Law Paralegals’ Resources

divorce lawyers & family law paralegals' featured mediation resources

The following are special resources we’ve created for our colleagues (fellow Denver and other Colorado divorce lawyers) and their family law paralegals preparing for and participating in family law and divorce mediation.

We include a descriptive overview of the ordinary mediation process, with special emphasis on the paralegal’s role in assisting divorce lawyers, and suggestions on how to most effectively prepare for divorce and family mediation whether the lawyers and their paralegals are personally attending the mediation, or simply preparing their clients to attend without counsel.

Some of these concern uniquely metropolitan Denver and Colorado divorce-related or Colorado family law issues, but most apply to divorce lawyers and their paralegals generally and irrespective of states or localities.

Consider these articles of interest:

We also invite you to download our two page Divorce Lawyers & Family Law Paralegals’ Mediation Preparation Outline and Critical Checklist in Adobe Acrobat’s Portable Document (PDF) format.

This checklist is specifically designed for Colorado divorce lawyers and their paralegals’ use — to be reprinted and included in your divorce or other domestic relations’ case files.