Divorce Resolutions is open and offering our full range of services through phone and video conferencing. Our mediators and arbiters are available to create and draft amicable solutions even when the physical courts are closed. For inquiries call 303.650.1750 or fill out the contact form below.

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Colorado Divorce Mediation: Our Only Business, Our Life’s Work

To begin with — at Divorce Resolutions®, LLC, Colorado Center for Divorce Mediation™ — Colorado divorce and family mediation is all we do!

Founded more than 24 years ago, our mediation service is a rarity among Colorado dispute resolution service providers. We aspire to be among the most innovative and the most skilled of family mediators anywhere.

Image of divorce mediation offices of Colorado Center for Divorce Mediation - ©, 2006

Our divorce & family mediation center’s reception area,
conference room & mediator’s office

Our Comprehensive, Client-Friendly Mediation Process

Over the many years of our work, Divorce Resolutions®, Colorado Center for Divorce Mediation™, has developed a straightforward, complete and client-friendly process for Colorado divorcing couples (or other couples with parenting disputes).

A Tour of Our Mediation Process (a later section of this website) details how we work with you. In short, however, we make it as simple, affordable and anxiety free as possible. From a first meeting with assistance in your determining when and how to file your Colorado divorce (or parentage) court case, to a final meeting where you receive a comprehensive package of all documents you need for delivery or mailing to the Court — we think (and we’re often told by our clients) it’s straightforward. And, your costs are minimized accordingly.

Our Innovative Use Of Special Technology And Tools

To help us provide our clients the absolute best service at a reasonable cost, we use special computer and tools in our work. Indeed, we have pioneered and frequently lectured on (in national as well as at local and state venues) the creative use of technology in divorce and family mediation.

As we will explain in greater detail later in this website, most clients will desire us to draft their final mediated settlement. Although every document (as every family) is unique and reflects the clients’ custom agreements reached in mediation, we use special and proprietary document assembly tools developed by us over many years, to remain efficient and cost-effective in this work as well.

And, while we pride ourselves on returning all phone calls promptly, in appropriate circumstances, we are comfortable communicating with clients and exchanging planning tools as you develop them in your mediation by email (for our clients who prefer its use).

In this regard, our office utilizes a dedicated T-1 wide area network (with encrypted hi-gain wireless broadcast) to manage our practice and permit rapid access to the wealth of client and professional resources available intra-office and online. We continue to seek new software and hardware solutions allowing us to provide better and more efficient Colorado divorce and family mediation services.

Image of divorce mediation using large flat panel displays to facilitate planning discussions - ©, 2006

Consistent with this commitment, in 2006, we became the first family and divorce mediators in the country to acquire and use large (37″) flat-panel television monitors with our clients during all mediation sessions — to consider and develop divorce planning options. Both our mediators’ offices and our conference room are equipped with this important collaboration tool. These large flat panel monitors immensely facilitate our developing, considering and discussing with our clients — during our work together in mediation — divorce property division, support arrangements, retirement analysis and other financial issues, as well as parenting plan and timesharing scenarios.

For further details of this creative use of large video monitors in our work as mediators, review our article on Innovation in Mediation: the Visual Power of Large Video Displays.

In 2007, we substantially updated our technology and tools once again, adding a dedicated server, replacing all mediator staff computers (our mediators now use client-side docking mobile workstations), adding multi-monitor displays and adopting the latest operating system and office applications. Consider our article on these changes to improve our efficiency and our clients’ experience in  mediation of their divorce: Denver Divorce Mediators’ 2007 Updates to Technology in Innovation of Family Mediation Process.

Most Importantly, Our Mediation Clients’ Satisfaction

Divorce Resolutions® has successfully brought well over two thousand Colorado couples through the process of mediating their divorce or parenting disputes.

It is highly satisfying work for us. And, it brings positive feedback. The vast majority of our clients are left with no doubts that the solutions they reached in mediation with us were greatly preferable to ones imposed in litigation: they report that the mediated agreements reached with us were “workable” and they preserved the dignity of the participants.

But, don’t just take our word for it. Consider the praise of our styles and of our process by our clients:

  • “I would absolutely recommend divorce mediation through Divorce Resolutions®. Our mediation saved time, money and agony. You get heard. You speak to each other directly and all the while you have the benefit of good information, years of experience and a level head in the midst of temporary insanity.”  — R.M.
  • “Mediation with Divorce Resolutions® is very cost effective. All issues are presented in a non-threatening manner. Inequity is resolved gently and using calm logic. I would highly recommend.”  — D.M.
  • “It was nice to be able to settle everything from your office. Kind of like ‘one stop shopping.’ To me, that was the greatest feature of using this process and Divorce Resolutions®.” — A.W.

For further (and more expansive) comments by our former Colorado divorce and family mediation clients, please review our website’s More Client Experiences.

For a further discussion of factors to consider in selecting a family or divorce mediator (and how we measure up!), consider our Choosing A Divorce Mediator: 4 Important Questions article.

If mediation seems sensible and compelling, and you choose to work with us in mediation of your Colorado divorce or parenting matter, next: take a tour through our unique, comprehensive, client-friendly, innovative and satisfying mediation process in the following section of our website, How You Work With Us – Our Colorado Divorce Mediation Process.