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Divorce And Separation Family And Parenting Resources

girl of Colorado child custody or divorce

Divorce or separation drastically alters family and parenting relationships. We offer the following special resources for your family — to assist you in preparing for and managing the challenges of your Colorado divorce or separation.

These include:

Our website features Colorado family law information and legal resources of interests to parents as well. See, for example, our article on Moving with Children (regarding Colorado relocation custody-visitation laws).

Exclusive Child Custody And Parenting Plan Resources

We are also extremely privileged to include here our “Best of the Net” award-winning feature, Child Custody Parenting Plan Options (for Children of School Age). These are derived from materials by, and are presented with the assistance (and permission) of, internationally renowned divorce researcher, clinical psychologist, family mediator and child custody and parenting educator, Joan B. Kelly, Ph.D.

In another web exclusive, we also include divorce and children expert Robert Emery, Ph.D.’s unique Child Custody Alternative Schedules (Parenting Time Plans)for all children’s ages as suggested for differing parents’ “divorce styles.” Dr. Emery also is a preeminent divorce mediator, psychologist and family researcher, and child custody and parenting educator and author.

Please also consider visiting our Kids’ Divorce Art Gallery. Here, we invite you to listen with your hearts, as we share powerful images of children’s experience of their family’s divorce.